New Testament Treasures

Reflections and Prayers on Favorite Bible Passages

New Testament Treasures

Reflections and Prayers on Favorite Bible Passages

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While the entire Bible is important, certain verses capture our imagination or speak to us in a way that few others can begin to. Who can forget the words of the 23rd psalm, the parables of Jesus, or the wonderful teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians on the gift of love? These are just some of the countless passages to have encouraged, comforted, strengthened, and inspired Christians across the centuries. In this selection of readings, reflections, and prayers, Nick Fawcett highlights some of the most unforgettable passages in the epistles of the New Testament and the book of Revelation. Drawn from his book Daily Prayer and from three of his Fawcett Bible Studies, here are readings to encourage, renew, and inspire.

Product Info

  • Publisher Augsburg Books
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506459349
  • Dimensions 5 x 7
  • Pages 39
  • Publication Date February 4, 2020