I Will to You

Leaving a Legacy for Those You Love

I Will to You

Leaving a Legacy for Those You Love

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Almost everyone has a Last Will and Testament that tells their family and friends what is to become of their property, but few people have thought about the spiritual gifts and memories they'd like to leave their loved ones.

Well-known and beloved author Herbert Brokering here shares the spiritual gifts and intimate memories that he'd like to leave to his family and his readers. As he ponders the grace he has received from the people, places, and events of his life he inspires our own reflection on what we wish to leave to our loved ones. Each chapter includes a Bible passage and key questions for reflection.


"In I Will to You Herb Brokering wills us his family, himself, his creativity, his eighty years of living as a living will for others. And throughout these pages, he also wills us his worries, woes, and wars, right along with his wows, whims, and wellness in the Lord! Will you read this book? I will, again and again. After all, Herb has willed it to us!"

– Dr. Richard Bimler, Past President/Senior Staff Advisor, Wheat Ridge Ministries


"I will you the wind, the prairie wind I have loved. I will you the high wind I can still feel in the tug of the kite string, a wind dancing in the sky above. I will you the wind that whirled across a field and carried leaves and twigs to another farm, to the horizon, and I wished to follow them there. I will you the wind you need as living breath to speak your words and laughter. I will you the wind I was willed. Wind is breath, life. I will you the wind."
— Excerpt from chapter one

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806656274
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 144
  • Publication Date September 18, 2006