Crisis in the Village

Restoring Hope in African American Communities

Crisis in the Village

Restoring Hope in African American Communities

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Robert M. Franklin provides first-person advice and insight as he identifies the crises resident within three anchor institutions that have played key roles in the black struggle for freedom. Black families face a "crisis of commitment" evident in the rising rates of father absence, births to unmarried parents, divorce, and domestic abuse or relationship violence.

Black churches face a "mission crisis" as they struggle to serve their upwardly mobile and/or established middle class "paying customers" alongside the poorest of the poor.

Historically black colleges and universities face a crisis of "relevance and purpose" as they now compete for the best students and faculty with the broad marketplace of colleges. With clarity and passion, Franklin calls for practical and comprehensive action for change from within the African American community and from all Americans.


"Robert Franklin is one of the most prophetic leaders and visionary thinkers of his generation. This challenging book warrants our close attention."

– Cornel West, Princeton University

"Robert Franklin is one of America's most insightful social commentators. He is both a public intellectual and faith-inspired activist in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His book, Crisis in the Village, is the best contemporary analysis of the state of black America. It is a challenge for deep reflection, a passionate vision for change, and a prophetic call for commitment. This is Franklin at his best and a must-read for everyone who cares about the black community and, indeed, about America."

– Jim Wallis, author of God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It and president of Sojourners/Call to Renewal.

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800638870
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 280
  • Publication Date January 17, 2007